Ignore my whining about winter in my recent posts. Today I am going to rave about it. Seriously. It is cold, very cold, and there is fresh snow on the ground. But I am revelling in it! Look at me over there on the left, smiling in the snow. No, I have not gone mad.
I am in the arctic. In Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Where winter is not just endured, it is celebrated!
So to enjoy the winterness of this brilliant day in Yellowknife, I went where the locals go: on the lake. Yes ON it. Great Slave Lake. Where I watched kite snowboarding.

There were folks walking dogs, skiing, playing on snowmobiles, and flying regular kites on the lake. And visiting the art gallery. That's right, the art gallery in an ice castle. ON the lake.
The windows are made of ice.
I had a lively discussion with the creator, caretaker, and curator of this ice castle art gallery, the "Snow King", A.K.A. Anthony Foliot. He told me his ice architectural skills began when he was growing up in Northern Quebec, and neighbourhoods would compete with each other to make the best snow structures.When the ice is thin on Great Slave Lake in November, he saws out bocks to make the windows in the castle.
So, I had great time today time in the snowy cold. In March. Who'd have guessed it!Oh, and please, while I love all your comments, I ask you to refrain from making fashion fun of my over-sized parka with the real fur hood (ick). It's government issue. I'm working you see. Except for a few fun hours today.
I wouldn't consider criticisizing hte coat - anything to stay warm. I'm glad you are finding a way to enjoy the cold!
Citizen, The coat may not win any fashion awards, but it makes it possible to enjoy this beautiful frozen landscape. So it rocks.
So very lucky!!
I want to see this one someday soon!
What a fun post. I love the shot of you in your coat. The ice castle is an amazing place. I'd like to visit there. Absolutely gorgeous.
I love your parka. It's perfect. So, hadn't had enough of winter, eh? Thought you'd do it with a vengeance. Anyway, thanks for the visit to an area I have flown over many times, but never had a great impulse to touch down.
Wow. This is different. No hummers there.
I really can't fathom living in such a place, with so much winter all the time.
Orhan, the north has a distinct beauty, and I am fortunate enough to get up here for work in all the seasons.
Carver, I love the North, and highly reccomend it for a visit. March is very cold up here, but we have over 12 hours of sunlight, and I am starved for sunshine.
Ian, It looks much bleaker from 30,000 feet than it actually is.
Jazz, Honestly I would have trouble living here full time too, especially in the dark months. But this time of year is dazzlingly bright. I can almost hear my poor sun starved body making much needed vitamin D and serotonin!
For being the wonderful adventurous soul you are, as well as a lovely friend, even in real life, I am giving you an award. Please check my blog.
I am awed by the vastness of the ice block castle, and the beauty of the area.
My closest experience to this was living on Lake Minnetonka where people drove vehicles and fished from little houses through holes in the thick ice.
I would love to have a job that takes me to places I would never see otherwise. Enjoy it and try to stay warm.
Ian, You are so good for my blogger ego! Thank you.
Heart, It is only -19 celsius
(-2.2f) today, spring is in the air! I am indeed lucky to have the opportunity to travel to remote and beautiful places for work.
Seriously, that closing warning about not mocking the parka took away my intended comment.
You leave me speechless.
With delight.
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